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GLD Vacancies

Holding onto principles – the MCA 2005 and Covid-19

39 Essex StreetNeil Allen, Alex Ruck Keene and Rachel Sullivan discuss some legal dilemmas that have arisen in mental health law as a result of the COVID-19 crisis.

In this webinar, Neil Allen and Alex Ruck Keene, assisted by Rachel Sullivan, will cover:

  • Capacity assessment under adverse conditions
  • Best interests and public health restrictions
  • Best interests and scarce resources
  • Advance care planning
  • DoLS dilemmas

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About the presenters

Landmarks health and social care 3

Neil Allen

With particular interests in human rights, mental health and incapacity law, Neil practises from Chambers, teaches undergraduate and postgraduate students, and delivers training to health, social care and legal professionals.

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Sarah Sutherland

Alexander Ruck Keene

Alexander's practice is focused on mental capacity and mental health law, in which he is able to provide specialist advice and representation, as well as delivering expert training for front line professionals.

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Landmarks health and social care 1

Rachel Sullivan

Rachel accepts instructions across all areas of Chambers’ work, with a particular interest in public, commercial, and planning and environment law.

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