An application for judicial review and an interim injunction against Coventry City Council's plans to chop down 26 trees to build a cycleway has been refused by the High Court.
The Land Registry has committed to accelerating the Local Land Charges (LLC) programme, which is aimed at standardising and migrating LLC data away from local authorities onto one central register.
Liverpool City Council's former Mayor, Joe Anderson, has been charged with one count of bribery, one count of misconduct in a public office and one count of conspiracy to commit misconduct in a public office, Merseyside Police have confirmed.
Establishing unitary councils covering 500,000 or more people is "absolutely essential" and could save almost £2bn over five years, the County Councils’ Network (CCN) has said.
Rachel McKoy, Director of Law & Governance at the London Boroughs of Newham and Havering, has won the election to the vacant local government seat on the Law Society Council.
Police could be called into Harborough District Council after a draft local plan was leaked days before it was set to be discussed in public, the council's leader is reported to have said.
A further six barristers specialising in employment law are to join 4-5 Gray's Inn Square, it has been confirmed. The new arrivals are: Richard O’Dair (1988 call) Raoul Downey (1988 call) Terence Finn (1995 call) Sheila Aly (2002 call), Lorraine Mensah (1997 call) Anna Loutfi (2019 call) and Jimmy…
A local government minister has said she is "reassured" by Woking Borough Council's commitment to achieving the objectives set out by its Commissioners and which will see a radical overhaul of the local authority's operation, but has echoed concerns about the council's capacity to deliver change.
The Court of Appeal has dismissed an appeal brought on behalf of a 15-year-old boy, rejecting the submission that the decision to permanently exclude him from school was unlawful because the headteacher “failed to comply with the public sector equality duty (PSED)”.
A judge has ruled that the operation of immigration and asylum law no longer prevents the High Court from implementing a decision to return a child to another State before their asylum claim here has been determined by the Home Secretary, provided that the “general principle of non-refoulement” is…
It is clear that Thurrock Council is working hard to meet its Best Value Duty and it is positive to see a corporate plan and conclusion of a governance review, “both significant steps forward”, a Government minister has said.
Senior local government figures have expressed serious concerns about reorganisation in responses to a Local Government Information Unit (LGIU) survey that revealed only one in 10 believe they have been adequately involved.
Devon County Council has threatened to "fire and rehire" more than 800 staff after union members rejected the council's proposal to change the terms and conditions of a car users' allowance it offers to some staff.
A local objector to Gwynedd Council’s policy on planning for holiday homes has won the right to take the authority to judicial review after a judge said he was “just persuaded” this was the right course.
A dispute about the use of a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) to ban unauthorised mooring on part of the River Thames has seen a claimant win on one ground of irrationality but lose on 14 others.
An applicant has lost an attempt to require the London Borough of Lewisham to rehouse him and his family because of anti-social behaviour by neighbours.
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) has decided not to reissue a best value notice for the West of England Mayoral Combined Authority (WECA) in light of a number of improvements, including better relationships within the authority.
The Court of Appeal has ruled that a woman cannot take the London Borough of Waltham Forest to judicial review in a dispute over whether the council discharged its main housing duty towards her.
A dispute at the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) over the liability of some tenants of housing association Notting Hill Genesis to pay for certain services has been only partly resolved.
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) has issued an intervention notice directing South Tyneside Council to submit its existing draft local plan for examination, following a decision by councillors to reject a draft plan last week.
The High Court will this week hear a claim against Coventry City Council over the local authority's plans to fell 26 road-side trees in order to install a new cycleway.
Newcastle Under Lyme Borough Council's leader has expressed frustration after a landfill operator embroiled in litigation over foul odours emanating from a site has entered into creditors voluntary liquidation.
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government has announced plans to establish 75 'neighbourhood boards' with powers to decide on how to spend up to £20m in funding in their areas.
The Upper Tribunal has allowed a mother’s appeal concerning the Education Health and Care (EHC) Plans of her two children, after finding a “procedural irregularity” in respect of pagination issues in the court bundle.
A report by school leaders’ union NAHT has revealed that more than four in five (82%) school leaders say they have been abused by parents in the past year, leaving some considering “quitting the profession they love”.
The Court of Appeal has unanimously dismissed a former teacher’s appeal against a finding by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) that he had developed an “inappropriate relationship” with a pupil - and therefore would be precluded from being a teacher - despite a separate TRA disciplinary…
Cornerstone Barristers has appointed Julian Hawes, former Director of Business Development at the International Arbitration Centre (IAC), as its new Senior Clerk.
The Government has issued a white paper setting out its plans to ban the sale of new leasehold flats and make commonhold the default tenure in England and Wales.
An investigation by the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman has found fault by Slough Borough Council in failing to secure all the special educational provision on a child’s Education, Health and Care Plan over a 10-month period.
A High Court judge has rejected an application brought by a 14-year-old boy to make himself a ward of the High Court and for an order that he be returned to the jurisdiction of England and Wales from the Republic of Ghana, where he has been living as a boarding school pupil and with extended family.
The National Audit Office (NAO) has recommended a whole-system, cross-government approach to ensure local authorities' financial sustainability amid planned local government funding and service reforms and the upcoming spending review.
The Local Government Association has backed proposals to provide for a wider range of meaningful sanctions to deal with extreme or persistent breaches of a council's code of conduct, including the ability to suspend councillors for a period of up to six months "where this is appropriate".
The Court of Appeal has allowed a mother’s appeal against a judge’s decision to approve a care plan to remove her child to be placed with her paternal grandparents, finding that the Family Court judge failed to undertake a “necessary holistic review” when conducting her final analysis and reaching…
The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) has issued reprimands to Glasgow City Council and the City of Edinburgh Council for failing to respond to requests for personal information within the legal timeframe, leading to a “significant backlog” of requests.
Law reform charity JUSTICE is backing an amendment to the Mental Health Bill which would extend human rights protections for those receiving contracted-out mental health care or treatment, including publicly funded after-care under section 117 of the Mental Health Act 1983
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government has told planning authorities and other stakeholders “to focus energy and resources on working with the government to deliver the ambition of local plans and minerals and waste plans that are routinely prepared and adopted in 30 months”.
Croydon Council has discontinued a judicial review claim brought against Surrey County Council following a dispute between the authorities over a family with high social care and special educational needs (SEN) costs.
The law in Wales should be strengthened to prevent and punish politicians and election candidates who deliberately lie, the Senedd's Standards of Conduct Committee has said.
An investigation by the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman has found that nearly 60% of eligible Tameside children waited more than eight months for an education support plan update, with the council “routinely” taking too long to complete reviews of the support it offers to children and…
The Government has decided not to reissue a non-statutory Best Value Notice handed to the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council last year, in light of improvements in the relationship between the local authority and a children's services trust.
Lawyers in Local Government (LLG) has called for the introduction of a mandatory Code of Conduct for councils and voiced support for powers to suspend members in its response to the Government's consultation on standards reforms.
Ofsted has set out a series of steps for local authorities to take to improve their support for homeless 16- and 17-year-olds, after fewer than one in ten said they had been offered access to an independent advocate to help them understand their rights.
The Government has accepted all 58 recommendations in the Grenfell Tower Inquiry’s final report, and will introduce a new single construction regulator “to ensure those responsible for building safety are held to account”.
The proposed merger between the Institute of Licensing (IoL) and National Association of Licensing and Enforcement Officers (NALEO) is to be effective from 1 April 2025.
The Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) has released its latest round of regulatory judgements, in which two local authority landlords, West Lancashire Borough Council and City of Westminster Council, received C1 gradings.
The number of judicial review claims brought by local authorities has risen steadily since 2021, but permissions have fallen, a report from law firm Burges Salmon has found.
The President of the Family Division, Sir Andrew McFarlane, has issued guidance for family judges on when, how and why to write to children in family court proceedings.
The Housing Ombudsman has analysed four common failings of social landlords in a report on inspections and knowledge management within damp and mould complaints.
A multi-million pound claim brought by Thurrock Council against 23 member councils of the Association for Public Service Excellence (APSE) has been paused following an agreement between the parties to stay proceedings.
Law firm Bevan Brittan has advised the East Sussex Joint Waste Partnership – which consists of Hastings Borough, Rother District and Wealden District councils – on a seven-year extension and variation with Biffa related to services including waste collection, street and beach cleansing.
An insulation manufacturer has launched a judicial review challenge against the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea's decision to exclude the company from council building projects over claims the firm was implicated in the Grenfell Tower fire.
The Government is to include a ban on ‘cuckooing’ and a standalone offence of child criminal exploitation (CCE) in its Crime and Policing Bill, which is to be introduced in Parliament in the next week.
Councils in Leicestershire are at odds over reorganisation plans, with a set of district and borough councils alongside Rutland County Council hitting out at Leicestershire County Council's proposal to create a single unitary authority for the whole county.
Rates for the Attorney General’s civil panel counsel are to be increased by 25% for all work carried out from 1 April 2025, the Treasury Solicitor has announced.
External auditors reporting on Birmingham City Council's implementation of its Oracle system have highlighted a culture where "either bad news was not welcome, or officers felt uncomfortable to communicate bad news".
The Diocese of Portsmouth has sent a ‘letter before claim’ to Isle of Wight Council over the proposed closure of three Church of England (CofE) primary schools on the island.
The Local Government Association has said that in principle, a national scheme of delegation could be supported to drive clarity and consistency across planning committees and to improve speed and efficiencies in decision-making for local authorities.
The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) has set out five key principles for reform to England’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) system for children and young people.
Bristol City Council and procurement solutions provider Constellia are to establish a flexible purchasing system for legal services – dubbed "Agora Legal" – that will be made available for use by all UK public sector bodies.
The Government has agreed in principle to provide Exceptional Financial Support In the financial year 2025-26 to 30 councils who made a request for financial assistance "to handle pressures that they considered unmanageable and to enable them to set balanced budgets".
The Government has launched a consultation on a licensing scheme for supported housing as well as a new duty on local authorities to produce 'supported housing strategies', as part of a crackdown on “rogue” providers.
The City of Wolverhampton Council has partly credited the bump in Government funding for plans to cut the local authority’s savings target by almost half over the next two years.
The President of the Family Division, Sir Andrew McFarlane, has put would-be parents of any age who are contemplating entering into a commercial foreign surrogacy arrangement on notice that the courts in England and Wales may refuse to grant an adoption order, with the result that the child that…
The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman has today (20 February) published a focus report on councils’ fostering services in England, which demonstrates what can and has gone wrong in the cases it has investigated.
Southampton City Council has said it can now balance its budget without taking Exceptional Financial Support (EFS) from the Government, although it hopes to use some unused EFS from 2024/25 to cover the costs of equal pay, transformation and restructuring.
The Court of Appeal has rejected an appeal over a High Court judge’s finding that the protective duty under Article 4 of the European Court of Human Rights had not been triggered at the time when a governing body’s disciplinary panel decided not to reinstate a pupil following his permanent…
The Court of Appeal has rejected an appeal by a Sudanese national that the Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) failed to give adequate reasons for accepting an age assessment made by West Berkshire Council.
The Association of Electoral Administrators (AEA) has issued a wide-ranging report on electoral reform in the UK, containing some 57 recommendations, and warned that elections are being delivered in spite of “fragmented and outdated” legislation.
A landlord has been ordered to pay £37,000 in fines and costs after he was found to be housing 18 tenants, including children and infants, in a home in Edgware originally built as a three-bedroom linked terrace house.
Wiltshire Council is to withdraw an appeal against a finding by an Employment Tribunal that an email sent by the local authority’s chief executive to union members ahead of a vote on industrial action was unlawful as it sought to deter union members from voting in favour of a strike.
More than half of councils that support children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) have warned they will become insolvent when the “statutory override” – a temporary accounting measure that keeps spending deficits relating to SEND off their main balance sheets – ends next year,…
A Planning Court judge has given campaign group Save Wimbledon Park (SWP) permission to bring a legal challenge over the Mayor of London’s decision to grant planning permission for the All England Lawn Tennis Club (AELTC)’s proposed redevelopment of the former Wimbledon Park golf course.
The Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) has revised its guidance on Court of Protection visitors, their role in preparing reports and when reports may be released.
The University of Hertfordshire is conducting a tender exercise to set up retainers with a range of bidders for the provision of legal services estimated to be worth up to £1.75m.
Law firm Hugh James has hired Liz Fletcher, a specialist in procurement, commercial and technology contract matters, as a partner in its commercial team.
A man has been found guilty of defrauding Leeds City Council out of more than £710,000 which was meant to support small businesses during the Coronavirus pandemic.
The City of London Corporation is facing a potential judicial review of its decision to approve the demolition of the former Museum of London and Bastion House and redevelopment of the site into three office buildings.
A former taxi driver has failed in an appeal over Buckinghamshire Council’s decision to refuse to grant him a hackney carriage and private hire driver licence due to a caution he received in 2012 for sexual assault.
A group campaigning to stop two council-run dementia care homes being transferred to the private sector have threatened legal action against Kirklees Council, accusing the authority of failing to follow a “recognised consultation".
The Government should explore the introduction of new laws to force developers to build within a certain time frame of securing planning permission, or face sanctions, the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) has suggested.
Liberty, Streets Kitchen and the Museum of Homelessness have published a new guide setting out how individuals can appeal a Community Protection Notice (CPNs) if they are issued one.
Councils in England face a funding gap of more than £8 billion by 2028/29 without adequate funding, the Local Government Association has warned in its submission to the Treasury ahead of the Spending Review.
The Vice President of the Court of Protection has allowed an appeal against final declarations regarding the residence and care of a vulnerable man, observing an “evidential divide” on capacity between the clinicians and social workers.
The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has confirmed that it has opened an investigation regarding the conduct of two individual accountants in relation to Woking Borough Council’s operations and investment activities.
The Government has published its long-awaited National Procurement Policy Statement (NPPS) which sets out eight actions contracting authorities should take “to return public procurement back into the service of the country and working people”.
More than 100 sites across England have been put forward for consideration to be part of the next generation of new towns, the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) has said.
The First-Tier Tribunal has dismissed an appeal by a requester over documents held by an external law firm that advised Sheffield City Council on a CPO inquiry for a proposed redevelopment nearly 20 years ago.
The High Court has dismissed a council’s application for judicial review against the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGO) over a report that upheld a complaint of maladministration against the local authority in a nursery school fees case.
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government is to inject £300m into the Affordable Homes Programme and £50m into the Local Authority Housing Fund.
The Court of Appeal has allowed an appeal from a Christian school employee who was dismissed because she posted messages on her personal Facebook account opposing the teaching in schools, and in particular primary schools, of “gender fluidity” and that same-sex marriage is equivalent to marriage…
The Planning Court has quashed the grant of planning permission for a multi-million pound extension of a caravan park, following a legal challenge brought by local residents.
A council has made a referral to the police amid concerns that objections to a planning application for a new sports facility may not have been made by the person whose name was registered to the objection.
Cardiff Capital Region has conceded liability, causation and sufficiently serious breach in a procurement challenge to the award of a £40 million contract for the demolition of Aberthaw Power Station.
Provisions that would see unaccompanied asylum seekers treated as adults if they refused a scientific age assessment without “reasonable grounds” are set to be scrapped by Government.
Risk management should be embedded within local authorities' organisational structure and culture by establishing clear roles, responsibilities and reporting lines for this function, a report by the Local Government Information Unit (LGIU) and Browne Jacobson has suggested.
The Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) has published an AI Playbook, setting out ten principles civil servants should uphold when using AI.
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) has unveiled plans to modernise the way the conveyancing process works, in order to bring down current delays of almost five months and cut 'fall-throughs'.
The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGSCO) has launched a new guide setting out how local authorities in England should handle complaints about adult social care, based on the Local Authority Social Services and National Health Service Complaints Regulations 2009.
The Supreme Court will next week consider whether Regulation 63 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 (“the Habitats Regulations”) require an ‘appropriate assessment’ to be undertaken for subsequent approvals after the grant of outline planning permission at a further consent…
City of York Council has called on tenants to report repairs to their landlord first, after a judge at York County Court last month ordered an unsuccessful disrepair claimant to pay almost £8,000 in costs.
The Ministry for Housing, Local Government and Communities has urged councils set to embark on reorganisation to make "every effort to work together" to submit a single proposal to the Government rather than competing proposals.
The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) has sent a pre-action protocol letter to Suffolk County Council and a letter to the Ministry of Defence, highlighting concerns over the potential stationing of nuclear weapons at an RAF base in Lakenheath.
Spelthorne Borough Council has carried out a review after external auditors called on it to "urgently" assess the governance and oversight of a wholly owned subsidiary company, having found conflicts of interest connected to the company's staffing.
A law to force social landlords to investigate and fix hazards within a set timescale will be introduced in phases from October 2025, the Government has announced.
North Yorkshire Council has issued a pre-action protocol letter over the Government's decision to rescind the rural services delivery grant worth millions, a move the unitary authority had previously dubbed "Rayner's rural robbery".
East Hertfordshire District Council is set to adopt the Code of Practice on Good Governance after a report prepared by the Local Government Association (LGA) referred to "breakdowns" at the statutory officer level.