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GLD Vacancies

“Good governance is for all of us to be involved in”

Lawyers in Local Government's new president, Aneeka Sarwar Muneer, speaks to Adam Carey about being the organisation's first Muslim president, her professional journey, and her plans to get junior lawyers involved in governance. Read more


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From Paralegal to Solicitor

Rob Dudley outlines the route to qualification for paralegals via the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE).

Easing the post-holiday back-to-work transition

The team at Thomson Reuters Legal Insights Europe discuss the challenges of returning to the legal world after time off, and how to deal with the issues which may face you upon your return.

From asylum seeker to monitoring officer

Former Corporate Director and Monitoring Officer of Brighton and Hove City Council Abraham Ghebre-Ghiorghis speaks to Lottie Winson about his 37-year career at the authority, his role as the “conscience of the organisation”, and his journey into law as an asylum seeker from Eritrea.
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Leicestershire County Council

About Leicestershire
Both geographically and because of its many excellent transport links, Leicestershire is at the heart of England. With an extremely diverse population, we pride ourselves that Leicestershire is a highly inclusive and vibrant place to live and work.

London Borough of Tower Hamlets

Tower Hamlets is one of London’s most diverse and historically important boroughs.  Based in East London, with excellent transport links and in close proximity to Canary Wharf, our borough is a fascinating place to work with a rich history and heritage and a vibrant and diverse community.

It is an exciting time to join us to help shape our future as we develop new policies, creating a dynamic outcomes-based organisation and revolutionising the way people access services.

The Legal Department of the Future 2019

The productivity puzzle

Local government legal departments are struggling with increased workloads, recruitment is increasingly difficult and external advice is expensive. Yet the movement toward shared services and alternative business structures is abating while spending on legal technology remains anaemic. Derek Bedlow looks at what the results of the Legal Department of the Future survey mean for council legal teams.

The race for talent

The recruitment market for qualified local government lawyers is the tightest that it has been for years. At a time when council legal teams are busier than ever it is putting a severe strain on legal department management writes Derek Bedlow.

Reasons to be cheerful

Lawyers in local government are happier than most other professionals, according to this year’s survey. Derek Bedlow looks into why they are reporting record levels of satisfaction with their work and outlines areas where working conditions can still be improved.

The best of times, the worst of times

Local government lawyers are in demand like never before, but this creates many additional pressures on legal teams. To try to find some solutions to the issues identified by the survey, Local Government Lawyer convened some of the country’s most experienced local government lawyers to a roundtable session, held at the Charles Dickens Museum in London. Derek Bedlow reports.

 LDOF Supplement Front Cover 


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More Features

“Good governance is for all of us to be involved in”

Lawyers in Local Government's new president, Aneeka Sarwar Muneer, speaks to Adam Carey about being the organisation's first Muslim president, her professional journey, and her plans to get junior lawyers involved in governance.

In praise of public service legal careers

As he swaps the position of Director of Legal and Democratic Services at Buckinghamshire Council for the role of HM Area Coroner for Oxfordshire, Nick Graham reflects on the advantages of a legal career in the public sector.

Delivering the Procurement Act

Janet Lewis explains the role played by lawyers at the Government Legal Department in progressing the Government’s procurement reforms.

Reflections on the SQE

Having recently passed the SQE2, Susan Desfontaines sets out some of the lessons she learned from the process.

Spread peace, love and joy

Lawyers in Local Government’s newly appointed president, Rachel McKoy, speaks to Adam Carey about her journey to becoming a lawyer, stark differences she noticed between working in central and local government, and her aims for improving LLG’s offering during her tenure.

A guide to writing legal implications

A local government legal practitioner can expect from time to time to be asked to contribute to a committee report and obviously this can be a challenge to get it right. Yet appropriate legal comments are key to sound governance, writes Paul Feild.