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February 19, 2025

Use of AI within schools in Wales

Trish D'Souza and Claire Archibald examine the proposed review by Estyn, the education and training inspectorate for Wales, of the use of AI within schools.
November 08, 2024

Hopeless but not the same?

The High Court recently considered the scope of s70A Town and Country Planning Act 1990. Arevik Jackson looks at the lessons from the judgment.
September 18, 2024

Commissioning care and support in Wales: new code of practice

The Welsh Government has published a new Code of Practice which came into effect on 1 September and applies principles and standards to the commissioning of care and support services by local authorities, local health boards and NHS trusts in Wales. Emma Watt looks at the details.


December 19, 2023

Permanent exclusion checklist for schools in Wales

To help schools to understand the formalities and technical issues that need to be taken into account when a pupil is permanently excluded from a maintained school in Wales, Al Hussain and Trish D’Souza have put together a permanent exclusion checklist.
December 19, 2023

Mental health reform in Wales

Is Wales striking out alone on mental health reform? Alex Ruck Keene KC (Hon) looks at recent developments.
August 11, 2023

A new tribunal system for Wales

The prospect of a single unified tribunal system for Wales has moved closer, with the publication by the Welsh Government of a white paper, entitled ‘A New Tribunal System for Wales’. The white paper provides some much-needed detail about the proposed system which will act as a basis for consultation, says Matthew Williams.