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Coronavirus - its impact on Discharges, DNARs, DPs and DoLs

Cornerstone Barristers discuss how the pandemic is affecting adult social care departments in relation to discharges from hospital, do not resuscitate orders, direct payments and deprivations of liberty.

Central government's response to the pandemic means that local authority adult social care departments are having to grapple with a wide range of unprecedented issues at short notice.

A significant number of the recent questions and queries that have come to the Health and Social Care Team at Cornerstone Barristers can be grouped under the 4 D's - discharges, DNARs, DPs and DoLs. This seminar is aimed at sharing the knowledge and practice generated by those questions and queries and to give you an opportunity to ask more.

SLIDES - Please click here to download a copy of the slides that were used during this webinar

About the presenters


Catherine Rowlands

Catherine Rowlands has a practice which covers all aspects of public law, especially social housing, community care, and immigration, together with property and other civil litigation.

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tarao leary

Tara O'Leary

Tara accepts instructions in all of chambers' core areas, in particular public and administrative law, housing and homelessness, licensing and the Court of Protection.

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Peggy Etiebet

Peggy's strong practice in Social Housing is complemented by her expertise in the Administrative Court, principally for Community Care, and the Court of Protection.

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Lee Parkill

Lee Parkhill

Lee has a broad public law practice, with particular expertise in local government, social care and healthcare. Lee is also an experienced Court of Protection practitioner.

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Zoë Whittington

Zoë accepts instructions in all areas of Chambers' work and has a broad practice acting for local authorities, housing associations, individuals and companies.

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