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GLD Vacancies

Social Care: healthcare, contractual disputes need assessments and data protection

Leon Glenister, Admas Habteslasie, Stephen Knafler QC and Ben Fullbrook cover a range of adult social care issues, including the relationship between health and social care services, need assessments, contractual disputes and data protection.

  1. The interaction of health and social care services - Leon Glenister
  2. Contractual Disputes - Admas Habteslasie
  3. Difficult assessments of need - Stephen Knafler QC (Chair)
  4. Data protection and social care - Ben Fullbrook
To access the presentation slides for this webinar, please click here.

About the speakers

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Leon Glenister

Leon specialises in public and planning law. He often acts in complex and high profile litigation, and has acted in cases up to the Supreme Court and the European Court of Human Rights.

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Simon Pickles

Simon Pickles practices principally in three areas – planning, compulsory purchase & compensation and environmental law. Aside from a strong emphasis on advisory work, he routinely appears at inquiries, hearings and in the High Court and Lands Chamber. For more detail of recent work in each of these practice areas, follow the links on the right.

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Sarah Cary

Luke Wilcox

Luke Wilcox was called to the bar in 2013 (Middle Temple); he took up tenancy in October 2014, on successful completion of his pupillage. Luke accepts instructions in all areas of Chambers’ work, with a particular focus on planning, rating, CPO, highways and property law.

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