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GLD Vacancies

Care and support for disabled and elderly people during ‘Lockdown 2’ in England - key legal considerations

Steve Broach and Sian Davies consider the implications of the second lockdown for people in need of care and support and the families and professionals involved in their lives.

During the next month in England, a second ‘lockdown’ has been imposed which restricts the population to their own homes and prohibits gatherings, in both cases unless there is a reasonable excuse. In this webinar, Sian Davies and Steve Broach discuss:

  • Circumstances in which those in need of care and support and their carers can leave their home
  • The law in relation to visiting people in need of care and support, both in care homes and other settings
  • Other relevant exceptions to the ‘lockdown’ restrictions for people in need of care and support, including in relation to support groups and short breaks / respite care
  • Practical implications for those being cared for, their carers, and statutory bodies providing care

In addition to outlining the substantive law, the speakers will also draw from their experience in this specialist field to address related procedural and strategic issues.

To view Steve Broach and Sian Davies’ presentation slides click here

To view the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) (No. 4) Regulations 2020, click here

Please click here to view this webinar

About the speakers

Sian Davies

Sian Davies

Sian has experience in advocacy, advice, and drafting in public law matters, across the full range of legal issues encountered by adult social services, children’s services and housing departments.

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Nicola Khon

Steve Broach

Steve Broach is a public lawyer who advises and represents individuals, charities, companies and public authorities. He has particular interest and expertise in health, education and social care, with a focus on disability and children’s rights cases.

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