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GLD Vacancies

Hugh James' NPS Framework Fortnight - Lot 1: Adult Social Services

Sheila Moore, James Drew and Martin Jones consider recent cases and experience, including decisions relating to vaccination and those concerning the right to marry or form other personal relationships.

NPS Framework Fortnight - Lot 1 - Adult Social Services 03.03.2021 from Hugh James on Vimeo.

About the speakers

sheila moore 1574

Sheila Moore

Sheila is the lead contact at Hugh James in the regulatory department for dealing with Adult social services matters on behalf of local authorities.

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james drew website 6469

James Drew

James qualified as a Solicitor in March 2018, having trained at a south wales Law firm, Devonalds. For the majority of James' training contract, he chose to specialise in both private and public Children's Law.

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martin jones 1628

Martin Jones

As the Head of the Regulatory Department at Hugh James, Martin acts in a wide-range of regulatory crime and professional regulation matters.

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