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GLD Vacancies

Court of Protection Q&A 4: Property & Affairs

In the final instalment of their fortnightly series, Fay Collinson, Arevik Jackson and Sophie Hurst answer questions submitted live, primarily focussed on Property & Affairs in the Court of Protection.

About the speakers

Fay Collinson

Fay Collinson

Fay is a specialist court of protection and chancery barrister. She has a broad practice that encompasses contentious probate, trusts, property disputes and all sides of Court of Protection work.

Arevik Jackson

Arevik Jackson

Arevik became a tenant at Kings Chambers in November 2020 after completing a specialist Court of Protection and public law pupillage under the supervision of Eliza Sharron and Sophie Allan.

Sophie Hurst

Sophie Hurst

Sophie became a tenant at Kings Chambers in October 2019 having completed pupillage under the supervision of Simon Burrows and Richard Livingston.