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How to read a Court of Protection judgment

Alex Ruck Keene explains how to read a Court of Protection judgment in his latest 'Shedinar'.

Prompted by a number of situations recently in which Alex has been concerned that professionals may not always know how to read a Court of Protection judgment and whether, and how, it applies to a similar-sounding situation in front of them (especially reading coverage of this case), he has recorded a short (15) minute 'shedinar' on the subject.

Find the accompanying slides here. If you want more detail about the Court of Protection, or about core concepts such as capacity, best interests and deprivation of liberty, see Alex's shedinar page here.

About the speaker

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Alex Ruck Keene

Alex Ruck Keene has been in practice at 39 Essex Chambers in London since 2003 and specialises in the field of mental capacity and mental health law.
