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GLD Vacancies

LPS on the shelf – what to do now: video

In light of the announcement on 5 April that a delay in the implementation of the LPS “beyond the life of this Parliament,” Alex Ruck Keene has recorded a presentation on what this means, and trying to think through what can be done now.

LPS on the shelf presentation April 2023 from Ruck Keene on Vimeo.

The slides can be downloaded here.

About the speakers

Alex Ruck Keene

Alex Ruck Keene

Alex Ruck Keene is an experienced barrister, writer and educator. His practice is focused on mental capacity, mental health and healthcare law. He also writes extensively, editing and contributing to leading textbooks and (amongst many other publications) the 39 Essex Chambers Mental Capacity Law Report, the ‘bible’ for solicitors (and others) working in the area.

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