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Charging, the Care Act and capacity - in conversation with Arianna Kelly and Alex Ruck Keene KC

Alex Ruck Keene KC (Hon) is joined by his 39 Essex Chambers colleague Arianna Kelly to discuss her new book Social Care Charging (Law Society, 2023) for his Mental Capacity Law and Policy blog.

Alex and Arianna explore why she wrote the book as well as her background dealing with these matters. Arianna gives clarity on what people do and don’t need to pay for with their social care, and think about how charging issues arise in the context of those with impaired decision-making capacity.

They also discuss:

  1. Does someone need to consent to charging care?
  2. What form does consent to care and support mean in regards with charging?
  3. Statutory guidance on the matter of charging and what councils should consider if the
  4. individual has the right to participate in the conversation.
  5. Choice of accommodation and limitations on how the local authority can accommodate this.

Arianna and Alex from Ruck Keene on Vimeo.

Alex Ruck Keene KC (Hon) produces a monthly Mental Capacity Report.

Arianna’s year of call was 2013 and since then she has carved out an impressive public law practice which has a focus in community care, mental capacity, serious medical treatment, mental health law and inquests.

Alex Ruck Keene KC (Hon) is an experienced barrister, writer and educator whose practice has focused on mental capacity, mental health and healthcare law. In March 2022, Alex was made an honorary KC, reflecting his contributions to mental capacity and mental health law outside the court room.

About the speakers

Nicola Khon

Alex Ruck Keene

Alex Ruck Keene KC (Hon) is an experienced barrister, writer and educator. His practice is focused on mental capacity, mental health and healthcare law. He also writes extensively, editing and contributing to leading textbooks and (amongst many other publications) the 39 Essex Chambers Mental Capacity Law Report, the ‘bible’ for solicitors (and others) working in the area.

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Arianna Kelly

Arianna has a public law practice with a focus in community care, mental capacity, serious medical treatment, mental health law and inquests. She is a leading junior in the Court of Protection (Chambers and Partners and The Legal 500), Community Care (Chambers and Partners) and a ‘Rising Star’ in Administrative and Public Law (The Legal 500).

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