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GLD Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

Four lawyers in running for vacant local government seat on Law Society Council

Four candidates have thrown their hat in the ring for the vacant local government seat on the Law Society Council.

The seat became vacant after the passing of Suki Binjal in October 2024.

The four candidates, together with their supporting statements, are:

  • Sharon Lee Bridglalsingh, Director of Law and Monitoring Officer at Milton Keynes Council (supporting statement)
  • Aneeka Muneer Sarwar, Principal Solicitor (Litigation) and Deputy Monitoring Officer at Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council, President of Lawyers in Local Government 2024/25 (supporting statement)
  • Rachel McKoy, Director of Law & Governance and Monitoring Officer at Newham Council, President of Lawyers in Local Government 2023/24 (supporting statement)
  • Manjinder Kaur Nagra, Senior Lawyer – Contracts, Procurement and Property at Brighton & Hove City Council (supporting statement)

A solicitor working in local government (at a local council of any tier) is eligible to vote.

The election is being administered for the first time by the Law Society. See below for details on how to vote.

Voting is open until 12 noon on Tuesday, 4 March.

How to vote

Members eligible to vote will receive a voting ballot with a unique security code (USC) from the Law Society’s election scrutineer, UK Engage from the following email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with a link to the voting site which will be: 

*Eligible members who have not yet received their ballot, should contact the Law Society via: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   [*members are advised to check junk folders and alternative e-mail addresses before making contact]