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GLD Vacancies

Wellbeing session 2: Dealing with change and creating a positive future

Amardeep Gill, Jude Jennison, William Murtha and Deborah Evans discuss strategies to deal with change, stress and creating positive future trajectories for yourself, your team and your organisation.

Both Jude and Bill are best-selling authors and much sought after coaches assisting individuals and teams consistently improve performance. Having worked with leaders from across the UK and US, celebrities and large corporates – both Jude and Bill share with Amardeep the key lessons and strategies you can employ in order to ensure you and those around you can perform at your best.

Wellbeing Week - Session 2 - Dealing with change and creating a positive future from Lawyers in Local Government on Vimeo.

About the speakers

Amardeep Gill

Amardeep Gill

Amardeep advises government, public bodies and SMEs on transformation or business critical projects at Trowers.

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Jude Jenisson

Jude Jennison

Jude is a leadership expert, inspirational speaker and author of 'Leading Through Uncertainty'.

William Murtha

William is a leadership, professional development and mindset coach.

Deborah Evans

Deborah Evans

Deborah is CEO of Lawyers on Local Government.