Ashford Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

Transparency in the Family Courts

Liam Kelly and Jack Harrison discuss the issue of transparency in family court proceedings.

About the speakers

Jack harrison

Jack Harrison

Jack’s experience of cases within children law is wide, and he regularly deals with serious and complex cases involving difficult factual issues such as serious injuries to children (including fractures and shaking injuries), physical, sexual and emotional abuse to children and adults (including historic sexual abuse), fabricated or induced illness (FII), substance abuse, forced marriage and gender issues.

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Liam Kelly.jpg

Liam Kelly

Liam is a Pupil Barrister at Deans Court Chambers. He is supervised by Patrick Gilmore who specialises in Family work. As with all pupils at Deans Court, Liam spends time with each of Deans Court’s main practice teams: Crime & Regulatory, Civil and Family. In his Criminal & Regulatory seat Liam was supervised by Joe Hart and in his Civil seat Liam was supervised by Zara Poulter and Gareth Poole. Now in his second six Liam accepts instructions in all of the aforementioned practice areas.

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