Ashford Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

Unregulated placements

Olivia Choudhury examines a case involving the use of an unregulated placement by Lancashire County Council and discusses the impact of such placements alongside possible reforms.

About the speaker

Olivia ChoudhuryOlivia Choudhury

Olivia is a Pupil Barrister at Deans Court Chambers. She is supervised by Anna Bentley who specialises in Family work. As with all pupils at Deans Court, Olivia spends time with each of Deans Court’s main practice teams: Crime & Regulatory, Civil and Family. In her civil seat Olivia was supervised by Junaid Durrani and in her criminal seat Olivia was supervised by Michael Hayton QC and Ciaran Rankin. Olivia accepts instructions in all of the aforementioned practice areas.

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