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GLD Vacancies

Can't you make it stop?

To kick start our Private Family Law Series 2024, Eléonore Berthelsen and Krishma Patel discuss barring orders under s.91(14) of the Children Act 1989.

About the speakers

Nicola Khon

Eléonore Berthelsen

Eleonore has 9 years experience in children law and financial remedy cases. Known for her meticulous preparation and analytical approach, she is a tenacious advocate who appears before all levels of judge in the Family Court. She regularly gives talk to solicitors and social workers. She has a particular interest in the international and cross-cultural aspects of family law.

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1 krishma patel lite

Krishma Patel

Krishma is an established practitioner whose work covers personal injury, clinical negligence, family, landlord and tenant and social housing.

She has significant advocacy experience and has appeared in a range of Courts, from the Magistrates Court to the High Court. Krishma is popular amongst professional and lay clients and is known for her approachable manner, thorough preparation and robust advice.

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