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A-Z Family Law

You asked, we answered! As part of our ongoing podcast series, we are pleased to present the first of our A-Z Family Law podcasts.

Back in the summer, we offered the family law community the unique opportunity to ask our experienced family law practitioners, Amanda Jepson and Zoe McGrath any question relating to divorce, child arrangment orders, ADR, how to deal with difficult opponents, the list goes on...

Amanda and Zoe have brought a wealth of expertise and experiences from their combined 46 years in the legal profession to the podcast, below:

We would be happy to produce a second podcast in this series, so if you have any burning questions for Amanda and Zoe, please send them through to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We look forward to receiving your questions and providing you with insights and answers.

About the speakers

Nicola Khon

Amanda Jepson

Amanda is a senior junior and specialist family law practitioner who practices in all areas of family law involving children. In particular, Amanda specialises in public law cases, and cases with an international element. Her extensive experience in all aspects of the law relating to children means Amanda has a wealth of representing local authorities, children, parents, extended family members and intervenors.


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Zoe McGrath

Zoe is a former Solicitor who has over 20 years experience specialising in both public and private law children matters.  Zoe often represents vulnerable individuals with mental health or personality difficulties and is used to working in partnership with other agencies and Court intermediaries.

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