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Pathfinder and the Sunflowers

In today’s episode of FortyTwo Talks, Family Law Practitioner, Rachel Chan, is joined by Estella Newbold-Brown, Partner of Amphlett Lissimore to discuss the Private Law 'Pathfinder' and Estella’s new book, Isla and Quinn The Sunflowers.

Estella’s books aim to educate young children and expose them to important topics, to help promote an accepting and loving generation of people. 

As part of our ongoing journey to ensure our website and marketing intitatives are as accessible as possible, all our podcasts will be available in a transcription format - Pathfinder and the Sunflowers transcript.

Links to Estella's books:
The Story of the Little Penguin
Isla and Quinn – The Sunflowers
Isla and Quinn – The Adventures with Agile Popi

About the speakers

Nicola Khon

Rachel Chan

Rachel is a very experienced family practitioner, specialising in children work in London and the South East.  She has a good working knowledge of criminal law and procedure, having had a mixed family and criminal practice for over 6 years’ and as a result of her current voluntary work. 


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Estella Newbold-Brown

Estella is a partner at Amphlett Lissimore and head of the family law department. She specialises in all areas of private family law. This includes, but is not limited to, divorce – including same sex marriages/civil partnership dissolutions, annulments, advising on religious divorces, and the financial aspects of the same.

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