Ashford Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

How to avoid common pitfalls in anti social behaviour injunctions and committal applications

Louise Whittington and Natalie Foster provide practical guidance on frequently encountered issues in the preparation of applications for both civil injunctions and committals following breach of an injunction.

The pair cover the following topics:

  • Service and common procedural defects.
  • Injunction terms, duration and requirements for mandatory injunctions.
  • Presentation of the schedule of allegations supporting committal applications.
  • Evidential issues including hearsay evidence and reluctant witnesses.

About the speakers

1 louise whittington lite

Louise Whittington

42 Bedford Row Chambers

Louise joined 42 Bedford Row in 2018 on completion of pupillage in chambers. She has a broad common law practice with regular court appearances, and has been commended for her thorough preparation and conscientious support to lay clients at court.

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1 natalie foster

Natalie Foster

42 Bedford Row Chambers

Natalie has crafted a successful and busy civil practice where she specialises in both residential and commercial property disputes and personal injury.

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