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School Admissions Appeals: new coronavirus Regulations

VWV Education Partner Yvonne Spencer explains the new regulations that have been enforced in relation to schools admissions appeals.

Included in this webinar:

  • The new regulations and new non-statuatory guidance
  • Explanation of the changes that have been introduced
  • Careful considerations for effective and fair admissions appeals
  • The legal requirements that have not changed
  • Q&A

Click here to view

Click here to see a list of the questions asked by school delegates at our recent webinar on Admission Appeals during the Coronavirus outbreak, along with our answers.

About the presenter

Yvonne Spencer

Yvonne Spencer

Partner & Education Lawyer in London
Having worked for many years advising schools on child protection, inspection and regulation, SEN and equality, serious disciplinary incidents, complex complaints, reputation management and the media, Yvonne is well placed to assist you and your school when complex and often unforeseen incidents occur.

Yvonne is deeply committed to providing senior leaders in education the support they need when dealing with serious incidents. She works with independent schools and academies and draws on a wealth of experience spanning 20 years.

Yvonne has many years' experience at board level, including being a school governor for 8 years, a member of the London Committee for Human Rights Watch, a member of the Solicitor Advocates' Association Executive Committee for over 12 years and more recently, as a Trustee of ISBL.

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