Ashford Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

COVID-19: redundancy & business planning

The government's job retention scheme currently covers more than 3 million employees which shows the scale of the challenge that businesses will face when the scheme has ended. Rebecca Mahon, Mark Alaszewski and Adam McGlynn outline best practice for businesses that may have to trigger the redundancy process.

In response to requests from our clients, our employment team presented a webinar on the following topics:

  • Redundancy & Business Planning in the context of COVID-19 and Furlough
  • Collective redundancy consultation
  • Following a fair process – selection, individual consultation & alternative employment
  • Redundancy costs – financial costs & employee relations

About the presenters

Rebecca Mahon 1 700x500

Rebecca Mahon

Rebecca has a particular interest in advising start-up businesses as well as assisting on the employment aspects of corporate transactions.

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mark alaszewski scaled 700x500

Mark Alaszewski

Mark advises on all aspects of employment law and specialises in complex discrimination and industrial law.

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Adam McGlynn1

Adam McGlynn

Adam is an ambitious and pro-active trainee solicitor at Acuity with particular experience working with corporate M&A and commerical real estate transactions.

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