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Environmental law update

Celina Colquhoun, Rachel Sullivan and Stephen Tromans QC provide a case law update on air quality, climate change and other recent environmental decisions.

In this webinar, we will be providing an update and summary on some of the current hot topics and on recent cases. Chaired by Stephen Tromans QC, the speakers will discuss:

  • Air quality: The current state of play – Celina Colquhoun
  • Climate change cases: Where are we now? – Rachel Sullivan
  • Some other recent decisions: habitats, environmental damage, waste and legal privilege – Stephen Tromans QC

Click here to view this webinar

About the speaker


Celina Colquhoun

Celina Colquhoun specialises in all aspects of planning and environmental law and also has good experience in licensing matters. Celina is ranked by Legal 500 (tier 2 in London; tier 1 in the Midlands) and in Chambers & Partners (Band 4) for Planning. She is also rated by Planning Magazine Legal Survey 2019 as amongst the UK’s top planning juniors.

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Rachel Sullivan web USE

Rachel Sullivan

Rachel Sullivan accepts instructions across all areas of Chambers’ work, with a particular interest in public, commercial, and planning and environment law. She regularly appears in the County Court, Court of Protection and High Court.

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Stephen Tromans QC

Stephen Tromans QC

Stephen Tromans QC is generally recognised as the leading practitioner in environmental law in the UK. As long ago as 1991 when a partner at Simmons & Simmons, he was named as the “Lawyers’ Lawyer” for environmental work by “Lawyer” magazine. Since moving to the Bar in 1999 and taking silk in 2009 he has been consistently highly rated in environmental law, energy law and planning law, and has been both environmental Junior and Silk of the year in the Chambers Bar Awards.

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