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GLD Vacancies

Dealing with net zero, biodiversity and air quality issues in planning

Richard Barlow, Ben Standing, David Elvin QC and James Maurici QC consider the legal obligations and implications introduced by 'net zero' legislation. Also discussed: biodiversity net gain and dealing with air quality issues in planning.


Introduction by Chair - Richard Barlow (Partner, Browne Jacobson LLP)

Net Zero - the legal obligations - Ben Standing (Senior Associate, Browne Jacobson LLP)

Net Zero - the practical options and the legal implications and techniques required - Richard Barlow (Partner, Browne Jacobson LLP)

Biodiversity net gain - David Elvin QC (Barrister, Landmark Chambers)

Dealing with air quality issues in planning - James Maurici QC (Barrister, Landmark Chambers)

Questions and discussion.

Hosted by Browne Jacobson and Landmark Chambers

About the speakers

Paul Campbell

Richard Barlow (Browne Jacobson)

Richard advises many public bodies on governance, judicial review and vires issues. Richard is a specialist in planning and environmental law. He has conducted many judicial reviews for clients such as Natural England and the Marine Management Organisation. Richard is client partner to EM LawShare - a key framework for local authorities and other public bodies.

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Ben Standing (Browne Jacobson)

Ben specialises in public, planning and environmental law for public and corporate sector bodies. He has defended many public bodies in judicial review challenges, regularly advises on planning matters (including rights-of-way, section 106 agreements, community infrastructure levy, EIA and use class), public sector pensions (particularly firefighter pensions), environmental issues such as contaminated land, SSSIs and the habitats regulations, and election law (both for general and local elections).

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David Elvin QC new

David Elvin QC (Landmark Chambers)

David was called to the Bar in 1983 and took silk in 2000 and is called to the Bar of Northern Ireland. He is a bencher and member of the Middle Temple and a member of the Inn of Court of Northern Ireland. He was awarded the Bar Prize for Finance, Commerce & Industry in 1982. He was named as the Silk of the Year 2008 in Environment and Planning at the Chambers & Partners Bar Awards and has been nominated on several other occasions.

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James Maurici QC (Landmark Chambers)

James Maurici was called to the Bar of England & Wales in 1996. He was appointed Queen’s Counsel in 2013. He practices in planning; environmental law; and public law. His practice regularly encompasses EU and international law. He was called to the Bar of Northern Ireland in 2009 and practises in that jurisdiction also.

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