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A Green Brexit? Removing Red Tape or Increasing Environmental Protections?

Stephanie Wray, Alison Ogley and James Maurici QC consider the forthcoming changes in legislation and policy as the UK prepares to leave the EU on 31st December 2020.


Introduction by Chair - Stephanie Wray (Managing Director, RSK Biocensus)

Brexit and the Environment Bill: an opportunity for the rolling back of EU environmental laws? - James Maurici QC (Barrister, Landmark Chambers)

Biodiversity net gain – current legal issues – Alison Ogley (Partner, Walker Morris LLP)

Assessing the Impacts of Forthcoming Legislation and Policy Changes on the Environment – Stephanie Wray (Managing Director, RSK Biocensus)

Questions and discussion

To access the presentation slides for this webinar, please follow this link -

This virtual seminar is planned to mark the publication of “A Practical Guide to Planning Law and Rights of Way in National Parks, the Broads and AONBs” (Law Brief Publishing) authored by eight members of Landmark Chambers’ planning and property teams.  If you would like to purchase the new book, please visit the website below.

About the speakers

Stephanie Wray 4

Stephanie Wray

Stephanie is Managing Director at RSK Biocensus.

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Alison Ogley

Alison Ogley

Alison has a Masters in environment law and regularly acts for clients defending prosecutions, including those relating to waste permits, the protection of listed buildings and alleged breaches of abatement and/or planning enforcement notices.

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James Maurici QC

James Maurici was called to the Bar of England & Wales in 1996. He was appointed Queen’s Counsel in 2013. He practices in planning; environmental law; and public law.

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