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GLD Vacancies

Carbon Neutrality - Air Quality

What is the current statutory framework for the regulation of air quality and how is it likely to evolve? Ben Standing and Laura Hughes discuss.

Air quality is a major issue in the UK. In March this year the UK was found guilty by the European Court of Justice of ‘systematically and persistently’ breaching air pollution limits and recent events, such as a coroner finding that a child died of air pollution exposure, emphasise the need for the government to take action. The Environment Bill promises what the government calls a 'more tailored approach' to air quality, although precisely what measures will be implemented and when (the Bill has been delayed multiple times) is far from certain.

About the speakers


Ben Standing (Browne Jacobson)

Ben specialises in public, planning and environmental law for public and corporate sector bodies. He has defended many public bodies in judicial review challenges, regularly advises on planning matters (including rights-of-way, section 106 agreements, community infrastructure levy, EIA and use class), public sector pensions (particularly firefighter pensions), environmental issues such as contaminated land, SSSIs and the habitats regulations, and election law (both for general and local elections).

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Laura Hughes

Laura Hughes

Laura specialises in administrative and public law and has extensive experience of dealing with the governance and decision-making of government bodies, educational institutions, local authorities and health bodies. She has advised clients on a range of matters including scope of statutory powers and functions, judicial reviews and public inquiries. She also undertakes planning and environmental law work for a variety of public sector and private clients.

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