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GLD Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

Running remote parish council meetings

Many parish councils will be grappling with remote meeting technology for the first time in their response to lockdown and emergency decision making. Hosted by Deborah Evans, John Austin and Jane Moore consider how parish councils can best conduct virtual meetings and decision making during the COVID-19 crisis.

This webinar looks at powers, legal requirements with respect to virtual meetings and decision making within a parish council, and the cultural issues with respect to getting councillor engagement on audio or video.

It examines how to deal with casual vacancies on the council; how to encourage public access and ensure effective engagement whilst minimising disruption; how to handle conflict of interest issues; and will look at the democratic mandate and delegation to the clerk. With parish councils varying in size from the smallest parish council to councils of significant size, one size does not fit all. Practical experiences of councils who are taking their first steps into the world of virtual meetings will be discussed, and all questions will be warmly welcomed by the presenters – Jane Moore from NALC and John Austin from ADSO.

About the presenters

Landmarks health and social care 3

John Austin

John is Chair at the Association of Democratic Services Officers.

Denis Hall

Jane Moore

Jane is the legal services manager and a senior solicitor at the National Association of Local Councils.

Deborah Evans

Deborah Evans

Deborah is Chief Executive Officer at Lawyers In Local Government.

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