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State Aid and subsidy control post-Brexit: an update

What is the current position on State Aid and subsidy control in the UK, and what does the future hold for these areas of law following the consultations on the proposals in the two UK Green Papers? Tim Buley QC, Luke Wilcox and James Neill discuss.


  • Introduction by Chair - Tim Buley QC
  • What is the current position on State Aid (subsidy control) law in the UK? – Tim Buley QC
  • The provisions of the Trade and Co-operation Agreement on State Aid – Luke Wilcox
  • The Subsidy Control Bill – James Neill
  • Questions and discussion

To access the presentation slides for this webinar, please follow this link -

About the speakers

Tim Buley

Tim Buley QC

Tim specialises in all areas of public and regulatory law, human rights, and planning and environmental law.

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Sarah Cary

Luke Wilcox

Luke Wilcox was called to the bar in 2013 (Middle Temple); he took up tenancy in October 2014, on successful completion of his pupillage. Luke accepts instructions in all areas of Landmark Chambers’ work, with a particular focus on planning, rating, CPO, highways and property law.

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James Neill

James was called to the Bar in 2006. He joined Landmark Chambers from Allen & Overy, where he spent five years focussing on commercial judicial review, planning and environmental, procurement litigation and international arbitration, particularly in the renewable energy, regulated utilities and infrastructure sectors.

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