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The Landmark Listen: Public Podcast – Standing

David Blundell QC, Richard Turney and Miranda Butler provide a detailed overview of the decision in the Good Law Project challenge and case law on the link between standing and timing in judicial review.

David Blundell QC, Richard Turney and Miranda Butler have produced a podcast on standing in light of the very recent, and extremely significant, decision of the Divisional Court in the Good Law Project challenge to the Government’s practice in making appointments in the public health field, to important public health agencies, during the Covid pandemic.

This podcast covers an overview of the approach to standing in judicial review; a detailed overview of the decision in the Good Law Project challenge and case law on the link between standing and timing in judicial review.

Please click here to listen to the podcast.

 About the speakers

David Blundell 200x200

David Blundell QC

David specialises in all areas of public law, human rights, European Union law, environmental and planning law. He regularly appears in the High Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court. He frequently acts as sole counsel on behalf of the United Kingdom Government in proceedings before the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) and had represented the United Kingdom in proceedings before the European Court of Human Rights. He is the Joint Editor of the leading public law journal Judicial Review.



Richard Turney

Richard was called to the Bar in 2007 and specialises in planning, environmental and public law. He has a broad court, inquiry and advisory practice and a wide client base, including major developers and landowners, central Government, local authorities, NGOs, and individuals. His experience as an advocate spans every level of court and tribunal – from the magistrates’ to the Supreme Court. He is a member of the Attorney General’s “A” Panel of Counsel.

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Miranda Butler

Miranda has substantial experience across the spectrum of immigration, community care and public law. Her expertise includes claims relating to unlawful detention, prisoners’ rights, trafficking, and asylum support. She is currently instructed on the Infected Blood Inquiry.

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