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District to adopt Code of Practice on Good Governance following LGA report

East Hertfordshire District Council is set to adopt the Code of Practice on Good Governance after a report prepared by the Local Government Association (LGA) referred to "breakdowns" at the statutory officer level.

According to a report from Cllr Joseph Dumont, executive member for corporate services, the LGA produced a decision-making accountability (DMA) report that said the relationship between the council's three statutory officers "was not working as it should be at East Herts".

The DMA report has not been made public.

Cllr Dumont's report meanwhile recommended councillors adopt the Code in order to "demonstrate a seriousness to ensure that such breakdowns do not occur again".

It added that adoption would show a commitment to ensuring good governance at the highest levels of the council.

The Code, which was published by SOLACE, CIPFA and LLG last year, focuses on the roles of the main statutory officers, otherwise known as the 'Golden Triangle'.

The document is designed to provide best practice and set the expectations for the statutory officers in an effort to avoid governance failures.

Cllr Dumont's report emphasised that the code details the need that the 'Golden Triangle' "operates effectively, with a close level of collaboration between all three officers, and with the wider Leadership Team of the authority".

It added: "This Code promotes good governance, supports sound decision-making, and ensures legal compliance. By formally adopting the Code, the council will not only align itself with nationally recognised standards but also endorse the key principles outlined within it.

"Adoption would further enhance the transparency and accountability of the council's operations, demonstrating a firm commitment to the principles of integrity and leadership in our governance framework."

Full council will now consider adopting the Code. The next full council meeting is scheduled for 26 February.

Adam Carey