Ashford Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

Appeals in the First-Tier Tribunal Property Chamber

Vilma Vodanovic and Tom Tyson provide practical, step by step guidance on the appeals process, explaining the procedure, the distinctions from the civil courts and gives tips from both the Appellant and Local Authority's perspectives.

Slides accompanying the session can be downloaded here

This webinar is the first in a series of videos from Trinity Chambers. An introduction to the full series can be found here.

About the presenters

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Vilma Vodanovic

Vilma is a recognised specialist in Housing Law in the North East and across the North, with a client base that includes most major housing associations and local authorities.

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Tom Tyson

Tom’s well established practice covers all areas of social housing litigation and landlord and tenant disputes. He regularly writes articles and gives seminars and lectures on all aspects of housing law and is called upon to advise social landlords including local authorities, on matters of policy including homelessness, allocation and registration of social housing providers.

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