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Homelessness and the Public Sector Equality Duty

The housing team at Cornerstone Barristers consider how the PSED should be addressed in homelessness decisions under Part 7 Housing Act 1996, what the Courts expect to see in decision letters, and what happens if the duty is overlooked or not properly complied with.

The team discussed the latest developments in this important area of the law and offer practical tips. The webinar will covered the important Court of Appeal judgment in McMahon v Watford BC [2020] EWCA Civ 497, in which four of our barristers appeared on behalf of the two local authorities involved. In this webinar Cornerstone:

  • Summarised the key principles of law.
  • Explained the latest case law, including McMahon v Watford BC.
  • Reviewed some practical tips for decision makers.
  • Answered questions from the audience.

SLIDES - Please click here to dowload a copy of the slides that were used in this webinar

About the presenters


Catherine Rowlands

Catherine Rowlands has a practice which covers all aspects of public law, especially social housing, community care, and immigration, together with property and other civil litigation.

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Emma Dring

Emma Dring

Emma is passionate about public and administrative law, and this is the unifying element of the various areas of her practice.

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Landmarks health and social care 3

Kuljit Bhogal

Kuljit has a broad practice with particular specialisms in Local Government, Public Law and Judicial Review, Housing and the Court of Protection.

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tarao leary

Tara O'Leary

Tara accepts instructions in all of chambers' core areas, in particular public and administrative law, housing and homelessness, licensing and the Court of Protection.

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Rowan Clapp

Rowan Clapp

Rowan is developing a broad practice across all areas of Chambers' work, including Public Law & Judicial Review, Planning & Environmental Law, Housing Law, Information Law, Licensing and Commercial & Regulatory Law.

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