Ashford Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

Civil Penalty Notices

Vilma Vodanovic and Alice Richardson examine Civil Penalty Notices. These are part of the range of enforcement measures available to Local Authorities against private residential landlords. The session explores appeals for such Notices in the First-Tier Tribunal Property Chamber, including an explanation of the process and useful tips.

The webinar will be of interest to a wide range of Landlords, Local Authorities and their advisers.

The practical session covers:

  • An explanation of Civil Penalty Notices
  • Procedure
  • Relevant housing offences
  • Case law
  • Grounds of appeal
  • Penalty calculations

Click here to download slides

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Vilma Vodanovic

Vilma is a recognised specialist in Housing Law in the North East and across the North, with a client base that includes most major housing associations and local authorities. She also acts for tenants and private landlords in housing related matters.

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Alice Richardson

Alice Richardson

Alice specialises in public law and judicial review, housing and homelessness, and property law. She has a particular interest in cases involving discrimination under the Equality Act 2010, human rights and capacity issues.

Alice has appeared in courts and tribunals at all levels including the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court.

She undertook pupillage, and began her practice, at a leading specialist set of Chambers in London before relocating to the North-East in summer 2017.

Alice was appointed to the Attorney General's regional panel of counsel in 2018 and she was appointed to the Equality and Human Rights Commission panel of counsel in 2019.

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