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GLD Vacancies

Role of joint ventures in driving housing-led regeneration

Olwen Brown, Mark Cook, and Alan Cavill look at what successful town centre regeneration looks like.

There is no universal approach to regenerating town centres. However, housing must be considered a key part of any regeneration project – providing well-needed new homes and economic growth. Discussion in this webinar will focus on how local authorities can utilise joint ventures to access new expertise and deliver transformational regeneration projects covering business, leisure and housing.

About the speakers

Nicola Khon

Olwen Brown

Olwen leads the local government sector at Anthony Collins Solicitors, and work with a team of local government specialists and other lawyers across the firm to provide a full service offer to councils.

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 mark cook 2 updated may 2019

Mark Cook

Mark is a partner at Anthony Collins who plays a leading role in our work with local authorities, housing associations and businesses, in transforming services for the public and meeting the many challenges in society.

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Alan Cavill

Alan is the Assistant Chief Executive at Blackpool Council