Ashford Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018: Virtual workshop

Desmond Kilcoyne and Katherine Archer unpack the provisions in the Habitation Act 2018 and assess the significance of the new law.

The handout for this workshop can be downloaded by clicking here.

About the speakers

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Desmond Kilcoyne

Desmond's practice at 42 Bedford Row Chambers includes all kinds of disputes which arise out of developments and conveyancing, all types of commercial and residential landlord and tenant matters, as well as social housing problems (including homelessness).

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Katherine Archer

Katherine joined 42 Bedford Row in October 2020 after successfully completing pupillage in chambers. She has a broad common law practice and accepts instructions in all of chambers’ core areas.

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