Ashford Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

The essential housing update

Louise Leaver leads a discussion with the housing team at Bevan Brittan looking back on some of the important financial and regulatory changes that were overshadowed by the pandemic but that may still impact legal departments in 2021.

Topics discussed include:

  • NHF 2020 Code of Governance – the new code was published on 12 November 2020 and reflects the ever-changing world that housing associations are operating in. Sarah Greenhalgh as a member of the committee drafting the new Code, takes a look at some of the key updates.
  • LIBOR – with the end of this year still being the target date for LIBOR cessation and various steps relating to LIBOR transition throughout the year, we will look at how to transition your LIBOR-based loans to SONIA and key issues to consider.
  • Consumer Credit Activities – for any housing association carrying out consumer credit activities, the change to the Approved Persons regime came into effect last December, but organisations have until 31 March 2021 to implement the new Senior Managers & Certification Regime and we take a look at the new procedures and policies that should have been put in place.

Click here to view the webinar

About the chair

Louise Leaver

Louise is a banking and finance lawyer specialising in housing finance at Bevan Brittan. She has been acting for borrowers and lenders for over 20 years, and represent a broad range of clients including corporate borrowers, registered providers, charitable entities, property developers, banks and institutional investors.

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louise leaver