Ashford Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

Dealing with homelessness appeals

Focussing on section 204 and section 204A appeals in the county court, Catherine Rowlands, Andy Lane, Tara O'Leary and Rowan Clapp look at those appeals through the lens of the local authority respondent.

Catherine, Andy, Tara and Rowan answer: What are the common pitfalls? What can be done to improve the prospects of success? Are witness statements of any use? What are the settlement options? How are the courts handling the challenges of homelessness and accommodation during the pandemic?

About the speakers


Catherine Rowlands

Catherine Rowlands has a practice which covers all aspects of public law, especially social housing, community care, and immigration, together with property and other civil litigation.

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Andrew Lane

Andy's practice focuses on social housing and property, and administrative and public law.

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tarao leary

Tara O'Leary

Tara accepts instructions in all of chambers' core areas, in particular public and administrative law, housing and homelessness, licensing and the Court of Protection.

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Rowann Clapp

Rowan Clapp

Rowan joined Cornerstone Barristers as a tenant in October 2019. He is developing a broad practice across all areas of Chambers' work, including Public Law & Judicial Review, Planning & Environmental Law, Housing Law, Information Law, Licensing and Commercial & Regulatory Law.

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