Ashford Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

Disrepair: Preparing the case for trial

Mathew McDermott & Stefan Liberadzki of 42 Bedford Row Barristers deliver some free virtual training on disrepair.

Training Materials: Download the webinar slides here. 

About the speakers

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Mathew McDermott

Mathew is a through-and-through landlord and tenant specialist, with a particular emphasis on social housing. If the matter is of relevance to either a landlord or a tenant, in whatever guise they appear (residential or commercial) or whatever Court or Tribunal in which they find themselves, Mathew will be able to assist.

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Stefan Liberadzki

Stefan has a well-established practice in employment, housing and landlord & tenant law. His clients range from individuals to local authorities and multinational businesses. Stefan offers straightforward and practical advice, and a thorough and measured approach to litigation.

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