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Housing Ombudsman - new podcast series

A new series of podcasts by the Housing Ombudsman Service aims to provide more insight on their casework and to share best practice.

Episodes available:

Season 1 Episode 1 - July 2021: Relaxing the Rules and Returning to the New Normal – Insights from the Housing Ombudsman

The first episode features Richard Blakeway, the Housing Ombudsman, together with Verity Richards, Head of Dispute Support, and David Simmons, our Sector Engagement Lead, talking about the complaints we have seen that have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, in the week that restrictions change. It focuses on the three areas of repairs, delays and communication, giving insight onsuccessful approaches by landlords as well as cases for learning, and provides some key messages for landlords.

Season 1 Episode 2 September 2021: Severe maladministration – insight from the Ombudsman’s caseworkers.

The second episode is introduced by Richard Blakeway, the Housing Ombudsman, and features Dave Simmons, sector development lead, talking about how the Ombudsman reaches severe maladministration decisions with examples discussed by caseworkers.

Season 1 Episode 3 25 November 2021: Spotlight report on damp and mould - Catherine Ryder of the National Housing Federation interviews the Ombudsman

In this latest episode Catherine Ryder, Director of Policy and Research at the National Housing Federation, joins Housing Ombudsman Richard Blakeway to discuss issues featured in our Spotlight report on damp and mould. Catherine explores what led to the report being produced and its content with Richard including where things go wrong the most, the challenges landlords face and the key things landlords can learn from the report.

Season 1 Episode 4 07 February 2022: Disrepair Protocol

In this episode, Richard Blakeway, the Housing Ombudsman, talks to Sector Development Lead Dave Simmons, Head of Dispute Resolution Jennifer Ryans and Quality Standards Manager Elizabeth Eves about why there has been a significant increase in legal disrepair claims and what that means for complaint procedures. It sets out the context for the protocol, explains our jurisdiction and addresses the most common questions we’ve been asked since our guidance was published.

Season 2 Episode 1, 5 May 2022: Our strengthened Complaint Handling Code

In this episode, Richard Blakeway, the Housing Ombudsman, talks to Sector Development Lead Dave Simmons, Head of Insight and Development, Rebecca Reed, Head of Business Services at Tpas, Louise Holt and Head of Customer Engagement at Community Gill Mooney about our Strengthened Complaint Handling Code. Following a review one year after the code was introduced, provisions have been strengthened to support a positive complaint handling culture.