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Accommodating Asylum Seekers: Legal issues arising from the use of hotel accommodation

Cornerstone Barristers explores recent developments in housing, including current litigation, and legal issues that are likely to pose the most significant challenge for authorities

On 19 January 2023, Kuljit Bhogal chaired ‘Accommodating Asylum Seekers: Legal issues arising from the use of hotel accommodation’, a one-hour webinar in which barristers Dean Underwood, Joe Cannon and Jack Barber consider the myriad licensing, planning, local government and public law issues arising from the Home Office’s on-going use of hotel accommodation.

This webinar summarises and explores recent developments in the area, including current litigation, and legal issues that are likely to pose the most significant challenge for local authorities with responsibility for both planning enforcement and housing standards.

The webinar will interest all persons tasked with ensuring the effective regulation of planning and housing in their area including local planning authorities and local housing authorities, and those advising hotel and hostel companies facing uncertainty about whether certain uses of their premises might infringe legal requirements.

Members at Cornerstone Barristers have extensive experience in matters of planning enforcement, private rented sector licensing, housing management and regulation, and public law proceedings.

Dean Underwood and Jack Barber have summarised the background to this webinar in the following article.


About the speakers

Nicola Khon

Kuljit Bhogal

Kuljit has a broad practice with particular specialisms in local government, public law and judicial review, housing, and the Court of Protection.

Kuljit is ranked as a leading junior by Chambers and Partners and Legal 500 for Social Housing Law and Public Law.

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 Dean Underwood

Dean Underwood

Dean is marked out by the legal directories as a leading junior in landlord and tenant, property, public and administrative law, and has a particular expertise in housing and related administrative law.

He also has expertise in local government, regulation and the licensing of private sector accommodation. He advises and represents local authorities and landlords nationwide, as well as individuals.

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Josef Cannon

Josef Cannon

Josef’s practice at the Bar focuses on licensing, town and country planning, regulatory work, and property including landlord and tenant. He is co-chair of the Cornerstone licensing team.

He acts for and advises a wide range of local authorities, the licensed trade, developers, regulatory bodies, landlords and private individuals. He is also an accredited mediator, with particular expertise in mediating disputes in the public sector, particularly where they relate to planning or licensing.

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 Jack Barber

Jack Barber

Jack joined Cornerstone Barristers as a tenant in April 2022.

Jack previously completed his 12-month pupillage under the supervision of Dr Ashley Bowes, Andrew Lane, and Edward Grant.

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