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GDPR 2 years on - lessons learned and practical tips for compliance

In this webinar, the Cornerstone Information Law team discuss the main GDPR issues that organisations have encountered and give practical tips on compliance, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Cornerstone Information Law team's experience suggests that there remain significant gaps in compliance, even two years into the GDPR era.

Topics discussed in this webinar:

  1. Transparency and Accountability:
    1. Pitfalls of Privacy Notices
    2. Challenges with DPIAs and data protection policies
  2. Engaging with the ICO:
    1. The ICO's approach to regulation during the pandemic
    2. Tips on breach reporting
  3. The next two years - GDPR in a time of COVID-19 and Brexit

About the speakers


Estelle Dehon

A versatile public law lawyer with a broad practice, Estelle is recognised as a leading junior in environment and planning law (with particular expertise in climate change and net zero).

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Ruchi Parekh

Ruchi Parekh

Ruchi has a broad public law practice with particular expertise in planning, information, property and election law.

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Matt Lewin

Matt Lewin

Matt is a public law barrister, whose clients range from government departments to parish councils.

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john small

John Fitzsimons

John accepts instructions in all areas of Chambers' work. As such, his practice encompasses Administrative & Public law, Planning & Environmental law, Information law, Inquests & Inquiries, Court of Protection, Regulatory law, Licensing and Housing.

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Dr Christina Lienen

Dr Christina Lienen

Christina is gaining experience in all of Chambers' practice areas. She has been accepting instructions since 1 April 2020.

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Olivia Davies

Olivia Davies

Olivia is gaining experience in all areas of Chambers' work. She joined Cornerstone Barristers in October 2019 and she can take instructions from 1 April 2020.

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