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Taxi driver loses appeal over revocation of licence for using mobile whilst driving

A taxi driver has failed in an appeal over the revocation of his private hire licence after he was caught by police using a mobile phone whilst driving.

Azhar Iqbal of Littleworth Road, High Wycombe, wan stopped on the A355 by Thames Valley Police officers, after he was seen handling and speaking into a mobile phone whilst driving in August 2022.

Iqbal failed to notify Buckinghamshire Council at the time of the offence, contrary to the conditions of his private hire licence.

The local authority said Iqbal eventually notified its Licensing Team in April 2023.

His licence was revoked by the council on 12 October 2023.

Iqbal subsequently sought to have his original conviction overturned.

On 19 December 2023, after hearing evidence from the attending police officers and watching recordings from officers’ body worn cameras, magistrates said they were satisfied that he was guilty of the offence. He was issued with 6 DVLA points and ordered to pay a fine and court costs totalling £774.

Buckinghamshire received an appeal against the decision to revoke the licence.

This was heard at Wycombe Magistrates on 26 April 2024. The District Judge found the conviction for using a mobile phone was sufficient to justify revoking Iqbal’s licence in accordance with the council’s policy and that there were no exceptional circumstances to justify an alternative decision.  

Iqbal was ordered to pay Buckinghamshire Council’s costs in the case of £5,500.

Mark Winn, Buckinghamshire’s Cabinet Member for Homelessness and Regulatory Services, said: “Buckinghamshire Council recognises the serious risk presented by mobile phone use while driving. It is a significant distraction and substantially increases the risk of the driver crashing – putting passengers, pedestrians, and other road users at risk of serious harm. Importantly, the handling of mobile phones while driving is completely avoidable and there are many hands-free solutions available.

“The council expects its licensed drivers to maintain professional standards, comply with the law and protect public safety. Licensed drivers who are found driving while using a phone by hand can expect to have their licence revoked in line with our policy.”  

Under Buckinghamshire Council’s Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy, drivers convicted of mobile phone use offences while driving will not be permitted to hold a licence for a minimum of 5 years.