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Institute of Licensing launches consultation on revised suitability guidance for taxi and private hire licensing

The Institute of Licensing (IoL) has today (10 July) launched a consultation on its draft revised guidance on determining the suitability of applicants and licensees in the taxi and private hire industry.

The guidance aims to assist local licensing authorities in considering their own local licensing policies on determining the suitability of applicants and licence holders for taxi and private hire licensing.

In an introduction describing the document's aims, the draft adds: "In particular it considers how regard should be had to the antecedent history of the applicant or licence holder and its relevance to their' fitness and propriety' or 'character'.

"As with any guidance it should not be slavishly followed but it provides a starting or reference point from which decisions can be made taking into account the particular merits of each case."

The document is an updated edition of guidance originally published in 2018, which was closely mirrored in the Department for Transport's Statutory Standards for Taxi and Private Hire licensing, published in 2020, the IoL said.

The review has been conducted by the Institute’s Suitability Guidance Working Group, chaired by solicitor Stephen Turner.

The new draft was produced following an initial consultation exercise conducted in September 2022.

It was also developed in partnership with the Local Government Association (LGA), Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA), Lawyers in Local Government (LLG) and the National Association of Licensing and Enforcement Officers.

The full document can be read here.

The consultation is scheduled to close on 30 September 2024.

Adam Carey