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National Association of Licensing and Enforcement Officers and Institute of Licensing agree merger

The National Association of Licensing and Enforcement Officers (NALEO) and the Institute of Licensing (IoL) have agreed in principle to unite to become a single professional body for licensing practitioners.

The two organisations said a combined organisation would benefit members by providing a single professional body, one membership subscription, and a stronger core organisation, bringing together all the assets from both organisations.

They also said the management structure will strengthen the representation of specific interest groups, including local authorities. 

The organisations reassured existing members that existing member benefits will also "continue and be enhanced".

The IoL is a membership body for licensing practitioners across the UK, comprising licensing practitioners from local authorities, other public sector organisations, licensed trade and private legal practice.

The NALEO is also a membership body for local authority licensing and enforcement officers, which aims to promote a better understanding of licensing as undertaken by local authorities.

The detailed arrangements have yet to be agreed upon by the organisations. The final arrangements will be confirmed in the coming months.

Adam Carey