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That ADR Feeling

The Independent Review of Administrative Law and the Civil Justice Council review of Pre-Action Protocols need to highlight the tangible benefits that can be derived from the greater promotion and use of ADR within the current administrative law system, writes John Pugh-Smith.

In this episode John Pugh-Smith considers this topic in the context of the current round of consultation on changes to the Judicial Review: the Government commissioned Faulks’ Independent Review of Administrative Law (which closed on 26th October) and the Civil Justice Council’s review of Pre-Action Protocols (which opened on 27th October and closes on 18th December). He also considers, by way of example, the case of R (on the application of Janice Hemms) v Bath & North East Somerset Council & Kate Chubb [2020] EWHC 2721 (Admin), a recent decision of Sir Ross Cranston, former Head off the Administrative Court, sitting as a Deputy High Court Judge.

About the speaker

 John Pugh-Smith

John Pugh-Smith’s principal practice area is town and country planning with related environmental, real estate, local government and parliamentary work. He is also an experienced alternative dispute resolver and facilitator.

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Sian Davies