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“I want a witness can I get a witness”: The new approach to witness evidence post PD 57AC

David Holland QC, Joel Semakula and Evie Barden consider the new requirements for witness statements, the impact on other aspects of trial preparation and the consequences for the conduct of trials, particularly property trials.


  • Introduction by Chair - David Holland QC
  • An overview - Joel Semakula
  • The changes in the New PD - Evie Barden
  • Tactical issues and consequences for trial - David Holland QC
  • Questions and discussion

To access the presentation slides for this webinar, please follow this link -

About the speakers


David Holland QC

David Holland was called to the Bar in 1986 and practised at 29 Bedford Row before joining Landmark Chambers in September 2002. He took silk in 2011.

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Joel Semakula

Joel joined Landmark Chambers in 2020 following completion of pupillage during which he was supervised by Richard Turney, David Nicholls, Galina Ward, Simon Allison and Justin Bates. He accepts instructions on a direct access and pro bono basis in appropriate cases.

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Evie Barden

Evie has a successful practice that spans the full range of commercial Chancery and property litigation.

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