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Covert Recordings in Private Law Proceedings

For the second episode in our private law webinar series, Jennifer Youngs and Lee Kelleher present a practical summary to covert recordings within private law proceedings.

About the speakers

Nicola Khon

Lee Kelleher

Lee is an established family barrister who specialises in private law children and financial remedies cases. He also accepts instructions in respect of non-molestation/occupation orders.

Prior to becoming a barrister, Lee gained experience as a county court advocate; working for a leading law firm in Cardiff and undertaking a scholarship to work at a leading civil firm in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

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Jennifer youngs 200

Jennifer Youngs

Jennifer joined 42BR Barristers in 2017 on completion of pupillage in chambers and has a wide range of experience in civil and family law.

In 2015 Jennifer worked as an intern with the charity Amicus ALJ, assisting on death penalty trials and appeals in Louisiana. She remains involved in, and an enthusiastic supporter of, their work.

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