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Financial Remedies Update 2024

In this finanical remedies webinar, Siân Smith and Hannah Justiva discuss the most recent developments in financial remedies, including case law and procedure.

About the speakers

Nicola Khon

Steve Broach

Siân is an experienced and skilful advocate specialising in financial and children matters. She is joint head of the Financial Remedies team in chambers. Siân is regularly instructed in matters of complexity, providing focussed and clear advice at every stage. 

Siân is a member of the FLBA national committee (since 2016) and chairs the FLBA’s Advocacy Working Group which developed the Advocacy and the Vulnerable training for the Family Bar. Siân is one of a small number of qualified Facilitators who deliver this essential training nationally. She is therefore very well placed to cross-examine vulnerable witnesses, including children and is skilled in addressing the needs of vulnerable clients both in and out of court.

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Hannah J 200

Hannah Justiva (née Cox)

Since joining 42BR in 2020, Hannah has built a busy practice as a family law barrister specialising in family finance and private children law. She is known for her thorough preparation, fluent oral and written advocacy, and excellent client care. In addition to her own cases, Hannah has been led in the Court of Appeal and the High Court.

Alongside her day-to-day practice, Hannah maintains an academic interest in family law and enjoys presenting webinars and writing articles, most recently, on preparation for FDRs and the Family Solutions Group ‘Language Matters’ report.

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