MKLS Vacancies

MKLS Vacancies

Cornwall Council to procure £12m legal framework agreement

Cornwall Council is to procure a legal framework agreement estimated to be worth up to £12m over four years.

The framework has been divided into the following lots:

  1. Commercial and Employment (estimated value: £2.2m)
  2. Property, Planning and Highways (£2.2m)
  3. Civil Litigation (£2m)
  4. Criminal Litigation and Regulatory (£600,000)
  5. Multi disciplinary Projects over £1m in value (£5m)

The contract is due to start on 1 April 2025 and run until 31 March 2029.

The envisaged maximum number of participants to the framework agreement is four.

The framework will be available to all Cornwall Council owned entities together with other sector bodies in England includes local authorities, police and fire authorities, central and local government arm's length organisations, agencies and controlled companies and NHS bodies, schools and academies.

In April Cornwall selected eight law firms to a six-lot legal services framework worth an estimated £8m. On that occasion the lots included children and adults social services.