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Government to hold market engagement on proposed £200m legal panel for wider public sector

The Crown Commercial Service (CCS) is to undertake market engagement ahead of the procurement of a public sector agreement for the provision of legal services estimated to be worth £200m over four years.

The CCS said the proposed commercial vehicle(s) would include a comprehensive list of legal specialisms, including but not limited to the following (which may change as a result of further market engagement):

  • Commercial
  • Contracts Law
  • Property Construction and Real Estate
  • Dispute Resolution and Litigation
  • Employment Law
  • Projects
  • Public Procurement Law
  • Costs Lawyer Services
  • Health, Healthcare and Social Care
  • Transport
  • Education

The agreement will replace and bring together specialisms currently available under live agreements:

  • RM6240 Public Sector Legal Services
  • RM6284 Costs Lawyer Services 2

The lotting structure of this framework will be determined as a result of the market engagement, the CCS said.

The Crown Commercial Service intends to hold market engagement sessions during early 2025 with suppliers interested in bidding for the resulting panel contracts.

The estimated date for publication of the contract notice is 2 January 2026.

The agreement is to be for use primarily by the wider public sector, including Health, Education bodies, Local and Regional Government organisations, Emergency Services and Third Sector organisations.

Consideration is being given to the addition of legal training by legal practitioners as a service provided through this agreement, the CCS said.

“Inclusion of this service will be determined by the outcome of the engagement session held with both buyers and the market.”